В субботу 22 июля, 2023 г, прихожане Казанской церкви в гор. Гернивилль, шт. Калифорния, отмечает Торжество Престольного Праздника. Его Преосвященство ФЕОДОСИЙ Сэатлийский возглавит богослужения.
8:40 ч утра -- Часы
9:00 ч утра -- Литургия
Крестный ход и праздничная трапеза последуют.
17370 Neeley Road
Guerneville, CA 95446
Notes About Parking
Due to the size of the event, we will not be parking within the gates.
Spaces immediately outside the gate will be reserved for handicapped attendees.
Parking within the neighborhood is limited, so carpooling is strongly encouraged.
All Vacation Beach locals are kindly asked to walk to church to leave spaces for visitors.
One option for parking is to use the Guerneville Park N' Ride lot and arrange with other attendees to carpool together to church. If you’re interested in this option, please reply to this email so we can connect you to each other to coordinate.